
Financial Records of Robertson Drive Handed Over to IRS

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Associated Press

The presidential campaign of Republican candidate Pat Robertson has turned over its financial records at the request of the Internal Revenue Service, a spokesman said today.

James F. Patterson, treasurer of Americans for Robertson, is scheduled to appear before a federal judge Tuesday to show that the campaign has cooperated with the IRS, according to court documents.

According to court papers, revenue agent Richard L. Cheney III first asked for the records in December. When they were not produced, the IRS turned to the U.S. attorney to request the court order.


The original request was for financial records, including copies of fund-raising letters sent out and “records of any transactions with The Freedom Council or Christian Broadcasting Network.”

The IRS currently is investigating the tax-exempt status of CBN, a religious cable network founded by Robertson. In 1985, CBN gave the Freedom Council $3 million. It was the Freedom Council that set up Robertson’s effective grass-roots campaign.
