
Painting by Hitler Bought for $18,442

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Associated Press

An oil painting said to be the work of Nazi dictator Adolf Hitler was bought at action over the weekend for $18,442 by a Chilean-Venezuelan industrialist who said he bought it as a gift for his wife.

Juan Yanez Guzman, 38, outbid four other people at a Santiago auction Saturday to obtain the signed, 15-by-19-inch painting entitled “View of Waidhofen.” According to auctioneers, it was painted by Hitler in Austria in about 1912.

Yanez said he is not a collector of art nor of Nazi memorabilia and only bought the painting because he thought his wife might like it.


Juan Salinas, owner of the auction house, said the painting was bought to Chile by the daughter of an aide to Hitler when she emigrated from Germany about 1950.
