
Teen Protest at Consulate

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In response to “Teen Coalition Conducts Anti-Apartheid Protest in 2-Mile Walk,” Metro, March 29:

So, South African Vice Consul Chris Liebenberg finds it “surprising that kids of that age are so politically inspired.” He calls us “innocent kids” who have been duped by our teachers. What a strange statement for a representative of the South African government to make! Obviously, his nation’s rulers do not agree with his assessment of teen-agers’ “innocence,” since they routinely imprison, torture, and murder young blacks for the crime of wishing for equality. It has only been a few months since a black South African teen-ager was murdered following his interview by CBS news. It has only been a few weeks since the banning of all anti-apartheid groups in South Africa. The vice consul’s statements reflect either his unmitigated gall or his confidence in the ignorance of the average American. He can say what he has said with impunity, because a shocking number of people in this country simply do not know what is going on in South Africa. It is this lack of knowledge which the Los Angeles Student Coalition is fighting so hard against.


Los Angeles
