
The fatal fall of a Santa Ana...

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The fatal fall of a Santa Ana man from an upper ramp at Anaheim Stadium Wednesday night was an “unfortunate isolated incident” but does not point up a need to improve security, the stadium’s general manager said.

Sean Lawrence O’Neill, 19, died after falling from an exterior ramp during the sixth inning of Wednesday night’s game between the Angels and the Chicago White Sox. Anaheim police said Thursday that they still were not certain whether O’Neill fell from the 40-foot club-level ramp or from the uppermost view-level ramp, which is 60 feet high.

In either instance, O’Neill would have had to climb over a 5-foot concrete security wall to be in a position to fall over the side, said Greg Smith, stadium general manager.


Anaheim police were awaiting results of an autopsy before making a final determination on what caused the fall. Police said their investigation had been hampered by the lack of witnesses. No one has come forward who might have accompanied O’Neill to the game.
