
Caldicott’s Speech at Fund-Raiser

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At first reading I was appalled when Times staff writer Frank Clifford labeled an entire room of citizens as “left wing.” But the more I think about that idiot phrase “left wing” the more interesting it gets. Left wing, right wing, we’re both attached to the same body . . . left wing, caring for peace and working against the arms race, slightly paranoid about the right wing. Right wing, burning with fear and hatred of communism, burning to fight here, there, anywhere, and definitely paranoid about the left wing. Left wing, right wing . . . one can visualize the body politic in uncontrollable flight, pulling this way, that way, crazily gyrating in space until the whole frame comes tumbling down like Icarus, scattering charred and flaming bits of the body which dared to toy with the very components of the sun.

Ah, that the left wing had some real pulling power and could pull us back from that fateful place, back into a sane soaring in the pleasant currents of this blessed planet!


Beverly Hills
