
Two Stories--and No Repercussions

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As I read The Times on the morning of April 8, I felt a mixed reaction of anger and revulsion over two stories. One concerned Paula Garb and her impending Yorba Linda lecture on how wonderful life in the Soviet Union is. Garb spoke on the advantages of Soviet-provided housing and education--and how her life has improved under communism.

The other story concerned Helen Caldicott and her talk at a fund-raising dinner for Leo McCarthy. Caldicott compares our nation’s commitments to defense to Nazi Germany under Hitler and suggests that certain agencies of our government be tried for war crimes.

As I reflected upon these stories over a second cup of coffee, however, I suddenly felt a deep sense of pride of being an American, living in this wonderful and imperfect country. Only in this great nation could these stories appear in the press without serious repercussions to both the author and the newspaper.


Good bless America!


