
The Nation : House Votes to Ban Dial-A-Porn Services

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The House passed legislation outlawing sexually explicit telephone services, beating back a softer, alternative measure that would have restricted the so-called dial-a-porn to adult subscribers. Adoption of the tough provision, included as part of an $8.3-billion education bill passed 397 to 1, was a victory for conservative lawmakers who claim children have been psychologically hurt by calling dial-a-porn services. Rep. Philip M. Crane (R-Ill.), cast the dissenting vote. The education bill now goes to the Senate. House leaders had argued the courts would overturn an outright ban on phone sex as an unconstitutional violation of freedom of expression and had substituted a less restrictive measure. It would have allowed dial-a-porn services--usually explicit tape recorded descriptions of sexual activity--only to adults who specifically asked their local telephone company for it. But the House, in a 272-131 vote on a procedural motion, rejected the alternative.
