
Quick-Fry Spinach Dish Is a Favorite

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“I like spinach in all forms, but my daughter hated the stuff until I invented this quick stir-fry version,” Burt Sauer writes. “Now it’s a favorite at my house.”


1 large bunch (about 1 1/2 pounds) fresh spinach

3 to 4 slices bacon, cut into 1-inch pieces

Extra virgin olive oil

2 large or 4 small cloves garlic, pressed or finely chopped

2 to 3 tablespoons lemon juice

1 1/2 tablespoons finely chopped fresh oregano or 1 1/2 teaspoons dried

1/2 teaspoon seasoned pepper

2 to 3 mushrooms, thinly sliced, optional

1/4 cup freshly grated Romano cheese

Thoroughly wash spinach in several changes of cold water. Remove stems from spinach leaves (main vein can be left attached). Drain well. Chop leaves in 2- to 3-inch segments.

Heat large skillet over medium heat. Add bacon pieces and cook until golden and crisp. Add enough olive oil to make about 4 tablespoons total oil. Add and saute garlic briefly. Add lemon juice and immediately pile spinach into pan. Cover and cook 1 to 2 minutes until spinach just begins to collapse.


Remove cover and sprinkle mixture with oregano, pepper and mushrooms if desired. Stir to mix. Cook another 1 to 2 minutes. Serve immediately, sprinkled with grated cheese. Makes about 2 servings.


Hermosa Beach

The Times pays $10 for readers’ recipes published. Send an unusual and unpublished recipe to My Best Recipe, Food Section, The Times, Times Mirror Square, Los Angeles 90053. Write how you got the recipe, how you use it, and include name, telephone number and address. Recipes become the property of the Times and will not be returned. Allow three weeks for payment after publication.
