
Glendora Council Can’t Agree on Mayor to Follow Prestesater

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City Council, after installing two new members who won seats in last week’s election, could not agree on a successor to Mayor Kenneth Prestesater, whose term expired Tuesday.

Two council members were nominated for mayor, but both were rejected by 3-2 votes.

Larry Glenn, the top vote-getter in the April 12 election, nominated Councilman Bob Kuhn. However, Glenn and Kuhn, both of whom support the development policies the city has pursued in recent years, failed to persuade any of the three other council members to support the nomination.

Councilman David Bodley, a member of the slow-growth group Glendora Pride, then nominated Councilwoman Lois Shade, who is considered by most slow-growth proponents to be the council incumbent most supportive of their cause. The other three council members, however, rejected her as mayor.


With no consensus, Mayor Pro Tem Leonard Martyns--the only council member to vote against both mayoral nominations--will retain his position. Martyns will continue to lead council meetings until a majority of council members can agree on the next mayor.
