
Long Beach : Movie Poses No Problem

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The movie “Colors,” which depicts gang life in Los Angeles and which some feared would stir additional violence, has not created any problems in Long Beach, Police Chief Lawrence Binkley said this week. Binkley called news reports of potential violence that preceded the film’s opening last Friday “interesting advertising hype.”

Long Beach City Council members agreed with Binkley on Tuesday, when they decided against a citizen’s suggestion that city leaders view a special screening of the movie and take various steps to avert any additional gang violence.

“They’re getting rich off the fear and hysteria,” said Councilman Ray Grabinski, who chastised the media for publicizing bad news and allegedly not printing the positive steps city officials take to combat crime.


Councilman Clarence Smith said the movie, which uses real gang members, their groups’ names and slang language, rewards violent youths who are taking pride in their actions because they’re “now in the movies.”
