
Local News in Brief : Meeting on RTD Fare Hike

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A staff proposal to increase bus fares--the basic ride would go from 85 cents to a dollar--could be approved by the Southern California Rapid Transit District board today.

The proposed fare increases, including possibly doubling $7 monthly passes for the elderly and disabled and hiking regular $32 monthly passes by about 30%, would take effect in June for the hundreds of thousands of RTD riders across the county.

Responding to protests from riders and elected officials, the RTD board has rejected such proposals several times over the past year. But several board members recently have indicated that some fare increase may be needed to eliminate a projected $36-million deficit in the fiscal year beginning July 1.


Acting RTD General Manager Alan Pegg said the district has not raised fares in three years and needs more income, among other things, to upgrade the much-criticized bus fleet. Critics say the district first needs to better manage its $800-million-plus budget.

The meeting begins at 10 a.m. at the district headquarters in downtown Los Angeles.
