
PASSINGS : Gen. Paul L. Freeman; Commander in WWII, Korea

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Army Gen. Paul L. Freeman, 80, who commanded infantry units in both World War II and the Korean War. In World War II he served in the China-Burma-India Theater and later helped liberate the Philippines. Soon after the outbreak of the Korean War, he fought several critical battles, including the breakthrough of Chipyong-Ni, where his surrounded regiment fought five Chinese communist divisions to a standstill. The unit, the 23rd Regiment of the 2nd Division, was awarded the Distinguished Unit Citation for the battle, and Freeman was awarded the Distinguished Service Cross. During his career, he also received two Silver Stars, two Bronze Stars, the Air Medal and the Purple Heart. After he received his fourth star in 1962, he served as commanding general of U.S. Army Europe for three years. He returned to the United States to serve as commander of the Continental Army Command in Fort Monroe, Va., before his retirement in 1967. In Monterey, Calif., on Sunday.
