
Trees Blocking Peninsula Views

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This is in response to the letter by Robert S. Coughlin that appeared March 17, as we were left with a very strong feeling he was either absolutely dedicated to the preservation of his own forest and intense vegetation or is one of that sizable group of Americans who simply give not a whit for the views (literally and figuratively) of other people.

We grant that it is going to be most difficult to design, pass and enforce a view protection ordinance in Palos Verdes. The petition is the easy beginning of giving it our best shot.

Creation or the Creator made our Palos Verdes views. The same forces made our trees and bushes, but not here. Historical records and hundreds of photos from the ‘20s prove clearly that we had scarcely a tree or bush on the whole peninsula.


Small tree and shrub plantings of modest size were brought by developers 60 years ago, gradually getting more and more out of hand until we have acres of jungle with houses in the clearings. A house is built and surrounded by small bushes and little trees, but after a decade or two of benign neglect and no trimming, the bushes hide the house and grounds while the trees reach for the sky, interfering with or obliterating views which neighbors counted on when they built or bought.

There is nothing personal in this, as our own view is 180 degrees with an unobstructed view of the ocean, but we well realize that 50% of our property value (like that of many other Palos Verdes residents) is in that view and could be destroyed by some tree lover bent on shutting out the world, with no thought for neighbors.


Rancho Palos Verdes
