
HIGH LIFE : Servite Dominates Jr. Statesmen Vote

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The Junior Statesmen of America held its 53rd state convention April 15 through 17 in Los Angeles. Drawing more than 1,000 high school students, the “Spring State” was a weekend of debates, thought-talks, Supreme Court sessions, seminars and speeches by students and expert guests.

Students debated topics such as communism, euthanasia and Social Security. Others attended the thought-talks, which featured discussions of political questions.

Future lawyers and judges faced the formidable JSA bar exam or discussed recent Supreme Court rulings.


Voting took place for those seeking office as a regional mayor, vice mayor or senator, and the weekend culminated with elections for JSA state governor, lieutenant governor and speaker.

Servite, with 50 student delegates, was Orange County’s most successful chapter in the elections. Servite’s Charlie Adams was elected governor; Jim Vanderpool was chosen lieutenant governor; Darryl Bryan was elected mayor, and Amir Tadjedin was chosen as a senator. Other Orange County winners were Troy’s Ian Campbell (vice mayor) and Dana Hills’ Chris Oprison (senator).

The weekend ended with the governor’s brunch, during which California Assembly Speaker Willie Brown Jr. (D-San Francisco) spoke on the weekend’s theme, “The American Dream, Illusion or Reality?”


JSA was established in 1935 to encourage greater awareness, involvement and understanding of politics and government. For information, write to: The Junior Statesman Foundation, Attention: Don Smith, 650 Bair Island Road, Suite 201, Redwood City, Calif. 94063.

--Chris Bergerud and Chris Oprison

The Irvine Co. will be donating $1,000 to 12 Orange County high schools sponsoring safety-conscious graduation parties this year.

The high schools receiving the grants are Canyon, Corona del Mar, Costa Mesa, Estancia, Foothill, Irvine, Laguna Beach, Newport Harbor, Tustin, University, Villa Park and Woodbridge.


“In its ongoing commitment to local youth, the Irvine Co. has chosen to support Grad Night ’88 and its alcohol-free and drug-free events for graduating seniors,” said Thomas H. Nielsen, vice chairman of the company.

These schools’ Grad Night parties usually are held on school grounds under all-night supervision of parents and teachers. Games, music and food are provided.

“Women who seek to be equal with men lack ambition.”

--Timothy Leary, former Harvard professor and LSD guru

“Some luck lies in not getting what you thought you wanted but getting what you have, which once you have got it you may be smart enough to see is what you would have wanted had you known.”

--Garrison Keillor, author
