
Gang Sweeps in Los Angeles

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Kudos to Police Chief Daryl Gates and his dedicated police force! He should be provided everything he needs to further his concentrated effort to educate Los Angeles gangs to the fact that the citizens who live here are fed up with what amounts to their guerrilla warfare! These “hoods” are illegal, destructive, intimidating, disgusting, and are now being opposed in a manner that maybe even punks hiding behind guns can understand.

Warfare is warfare. These people care not one whit who or what they destroy. They shoot down innocents. They introduce, push, and profit from drugs--holding their troops hostage by them. They deface property and are an added expense to communities that can ill-afford the clean up. They hold entire communities hostage and confiscate our most valuable assets--our youth.

I propose that if the enlightenment that the police are now providing for these gangs doesn’t do the job, the next step might well be to round them up and send them to internment camps until they learn that decent citizens demand the return of civilized and peaceful neighborhoods.



