
Gang Sweeps in Los Angeles

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As a black resident of Los Angeles since 1952 (living 23 years in South-Central) I take objection to the NAACP’s criticism of the police sweeps in the gang- and drug-infested areas of the city (“NAACP Raps Police Over Gang Sweeps,” Metro, April 15).

No doubt some “innocent” youths and adults who look, posture, and dress like gang-bangers, or drug dealers will be arrested but not prosecuted. Yet this is a small price to pay when the end result could lead to some lessening or restraint of gang and drug activities on our streets.

I’m really concerned with the NAACP’s posture since like so many other black established organizations we seldom hear from these “leaders” on such issues as job creation, motivation, and self-respect. What we hear too much of is their knee-jerk rhetoric about not enough police, or police harassment.


Throwing stones when you live in a glass house is a futile endeavor. In the absence of meaningful, visible leadership, I’m sick and tired of the whining.


Los Angeles
