
GovernorIssued annual proclamation designating Thursday as Cinco...

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<i> Times staff writer</i>


Issued annual proclamation designating Thursday as Cinco de Mayo in California, encouraging all citizens to participate in festivities commemorating the occasion.

Will speak at USC commencement ceremonies at Alumni Memorial Park on Friday.


Floor Action:

Drunk Driving: Passed and sent to the Senate on a 65-1 vote a bill (AB 2751) by Assemblywoman Bev Hansen (R-Santa Rosa) to allow a person convicted of a fourth drunk driving offense to be sentenced to serve up to three years in state prison and be required to pay a fine of up to $2,500.

Carnivals: Passed and sent to the Senate on a 44-22 vote a bill (AB 2997) by Assemblyman Richard E. Floyd (D-Hawthorne) to require carnival amusement ride operators to file copies of their accident insurance policies with the state.


Automobile Leasing: Rejected on a 38-32 vote a bill (AB 3135) by Assemblywoman Delaine Eastin (D-Union City) to require automobile leasing dealers to use easy-to-read type size describing terms and costs in their television advertisements. Forty-one votes were required for approval. Reconsideration was granted.

Regulations: Passed and sent to the Senate on a 52-17 vote a bill (AB 3545) by Assemblyman Richard E. Floyd (D-Hawthorne) to require the state Fish and Game Commission to rewrite hunting and fishing regulations in more understandable language by Jan. 1, 1992.


Floor Action:

Pornography: Rejected on a 10-13 vote a motion to withdraw from committee for a floor vote a defeated bill (SB 2786) by Sen. H.L. Richardson (R-Glendora) to redefine pornography to make it easier to prosecute smut peddlers in court.


State Dance: Passed and sent to the Assembly on a 21-9 vote a bill (SB 2460) by Sen. Quentin L. Kopp (I-San Francisco) to designate the West Coast swing dance, a jitterbug step popular in the 1940s, as the official state dance.

Committee Action:

Cigarettes: The Senate Business and Professions Committee rejected on a 1-2 vote a bill (SB 1745) by Sen. John Garamendi (D-Walnut Grove) to permit sale of only so-called “fire-safe” cigarettes in California in 1991. The state fire marshal would have developed standards for such cigarettes to help prevent them from igniting upholstered furniture or mattresses.

Construction: The Senate Banking and Commerce Committee approved a bill (SB 2892) by Sen. Joseph B. Montoya (D-Whittier) to prohibit foreign contractors from bidding on California public or private construction projects unless they agree to perform the work in cooperation with a domestic company. A 6-0 vote sent the bill to the Appropriations Committee.
