
The State - News from May 6, 1988

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The daughter of Santa Clara County Supervisor Tom Legan testified that she kept quiet for years about his alleged molestations because she loved him and did not want him hurt. Testifying against her father for the second day in a row, the 18-year-old told Superior Court jurors that she had wanted to ask her little sister if she was also being sexually molested but that she was afraid to bring it up. “I was just looking out for my father’s welfare,” she said. Legan, who is up for reelection June540421152molesting his daughter six years ago in their home. Legan’s attorney, Kenneth Robinson, said his client kept a diary that will “prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that he was never in that hous1696620902allegedly occurred between Jan. 6 and 11, 1982. The Legans were separated at the time and the mother, Lois, was out of town with a man who is now her husband. Legan insists that the allegations were manufactured by his “vindictive wife.”
