
Pop Capsules : Natalie Cole Shows Strengths, Weaknesses in Anaheim

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It’s fascinating how quickly Natalie Cole--back on the pop charts for the first time in years--has transformed herself from a singer with well-publicized personal problems into a performer whose concerts often turn into virtual love feists. However, her set Saturday night at the Celebrity Theatre in Anaheim reflected weaknesses as well as strengths.

There was no questioning the dynamism of Cole’s singing on tunes like “Jump Start,” nor the energy and authority with which she dominated the stage. Too often, however, she lapsed into simple shouting, pushing many of her numbers into overcooked emotional stews.

One of the few numbers that took a different slant was “More Than the Stars.” Spun out over a rocking Latin rhythm, the song inspired one of Cole’s more intriguing interpretations. Another high point was her colorful reading of the standard, “When I Fall In Love.” Cole’s performance of both tunes--one new, the other a standard--revealed a depth of interpretation that was often lacking in the balance of the show.
