
Sen. Dole

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In response to “Dole Says He Was Victim of Negative News Coverage” Part I, April 27:

Sen. Robert Dole (R-Kan.) is absolutely right about negative news reporting and the liberal anti-Republican bias of the press in this country. He mentioned the New York Times. It couldn’t be any worse than the Los Angeles Times.

Never once in the past eight years that I can remember, has The Times agreed with anything President Reagan has done or given him credit for any of the good that has happened; but The Times is quick to blame him for the bad.

It is well-documented that a majority of the press in this country tilts to the left--sometimes subtly, more often blatantly. The Conrad cartoons are so vicious they are repulsive.


But I’ll probably go on subscribing to The Times because of the Business section, the stock market reports and those three or four weeks a year when “Conrad is on vacation.”


Thousand Oaks
