
Advice for Toni Grant

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Rich, successful and beautiful Toni Grant deserves a marriage partner who is her equal, but nevertheless her impending marriage to a multimillionaire businessman sets a terrible, jaded example for millions of love-starved people who listen to her radio show.

The unspoken, implied message to women is that they should continue to have false and unrealistic expectations in relationships and marriage, whether or not they think that they are good-looking and attractive enough to attract a wealthy husband. And men are once again made to feel that if they aren’t financially successful, they have no hope of meeting a desirable woman.

As for what Grant says in her new book, “Being a Woman: Fulfilling Your Femininity and Finding Love,”--that women should hold out for a marriage commitment before they go to bed with a man--this is hardly original. Grant certainly knows what pop psychology and pop sociology is all about--it’s telling lonely and insecure people what they want to hear even if it doesn’t help them one bit.



