
Supreme Court Justice William J. Brennan refused...

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Supreme Court Justice William J. Brennan refused to block a $48.35-million judgment awarded Trans World Airlines against a company formerly run by the late Howard Hughes. Brennan denied an emergency request by Summa Corp. and William R. Lummis, administrator of the Hughes estate, to suspend the judgment pending a formal appeal to the full court. The Delaware Supreme Court on April 4 upheld the award in a case that began in 1962. Summa Corp., formerly called Hughes Tool Co. or Toolco, owned 78% of the stock of TWA when it was sued by other TWA shareholders. The minority shareholders said TWA, which Hughes founded, was denied an opportunity to be competitive and profitable because Toolco refused to allow the airline to purchase its own jets in the 1950s. TWA was forced to lease jets and buy some from Toolco, the suit said.
