
Local News in Brief : Murder Charges Filed in Canoga Park Wreck

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A Canoga Park man was charged with murder and felony drunk driving Wednesday in a hit-and-run accident Sunday that left a Chatsworth gardener dead.

Francisco Nunez Miranda, 29, pleaded not guilty at his arraignment in Van Nuys Municipal Court. His preliminary hearing is scheduled for May 27. He is being held in County Jail in lieu of $150,000 bail.

The accident occurred at 11:30 p.m. Sunday at the intersection of Saticoy Street and Corbin Avenue in Canoga Park, police said. The victim, Soo Jung, 40, was driving north on Corbin when his car was struck by a pickup trunk that ran a red light on Saticoy, authorities said.


Jung was thrown from his car and dragged 150 feet, police said. Nunez, who was driving the truck, and his passenger, Francisco Lopez, 29, of Canoga Park, fled the scene, police said.

Los Angeles firefighters, who arrived at the intersection moments after the crash, were able to capture Lopez. He was arrested on suspicion of being an accessory to murder but was released Wednesday after the district attorney’s office decided against charging him.

Police arrested Miranda at his home soon after the accident. Nunez is also charged with manslaughter, felony hit-and-run driving and operating a vehicle while under the influence.


Deputy Dist. Atty. Larry Diamond said Nunez has two previous drunk-driving convictions, the most recent on April 11.

Six hours after Sunday’s accident, Miranda’s blood-alcohol content measured .17, almost twice the level at which someone is considered intoxicated in California, Diamond said.
