
His ‘Brain Death’ Greatly Exaggerated : Bradley Assails GOP Colleague’s Barbs

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Times Staff Writer

Paraphrasing Mark Twain, Republican Assemblyman Bill Bradley of San Marcos said Thursday that reports of his “brain death” have been greatly exaggerated.

In an open letter to a leader of the Assembly’s GOP caucus, Bradley complained that top members of his party were intolerant to dissent. He said he objected to recent criticism directed at several Republicans who believe the party’s 36 Assembly members should join with five rebel Democrats--known as the “Gang of Five”--to dump Assembly Speaker Willie Brown, the San Francisco Democrat.

“You will make a real mistake if you count on cerebral inactivity from me or any other member of the caucus who disagrees with the dictates of the leadership,” Bradley wrote to Assemblyman Bill Baker (R-Walnut Creek.)


Baker, who along with GOP Leader Pat Nolan believes the Republicans should let Brown remain as Speaker until December, was quoted in the San Diego Union on Monday describing dissident Republicans as “brain dead” and “idiots.”

Although Baker did not name him, Bradley said in an interview that he assumed his colleague’s barbs were aimed his way.

“It condemns all seven of us,” Bradley said of a group that meets frequently to discuss strategy. “I resent being called an idiot.”


Bradley, who said he distributed the letter to the entire Republican caucus and the Capitol press corps, accused Nolan of being “cozy” with Brown, who has been Speaker since December, 1980. Bradley said Republicans have been hurt by a perception that they are the ones keeping the Assembly from ousting Brown.

“When the ‘Gang of Five’ are out there saying to the public that the Republicans are keeping Willie in power, you’ve got to react,” Bradley said. “You can’t ignore that.”
