
Another Bill to Block Raiders’ Move Advances

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Times Staff Writer

The Assembly Ways and Means Committee on Wednesday approved, but just barely, another bill aimed at preventing the Los Angeles Raiders from moving to a proposed new stadium in Irwindale.

The author, Assembly Speaker Pro Tem Mike Roos (D-Los Angeles), is also pushing three other bills aimed at blocking the Raiders’ move, and all are awaiting votes on the Assembly floor.

A 12-6 vote, the exact majority required for approval, sent Roos’ latest measure to the Assembly floor. It would require that any local public agency obtain approval from the state treasurer before issuing bonds to finance a professional sports stadium or arena.


A potential candidate for mayor of Los Angeles, Roos is the leading legislative opponent of the Raiders’ plan to vacate the Coliseum.

Assemblywoman Sally Tanner (D-El Monte), who represents an area adjacent to Irwindale, pledged to wage a full-scale floor fight to try to get the new bill sent back to a policy committee for more screening.

Roos had taken a Republican-sponsored measure and amended it with the anti-Irwindale provision while heading a Ways and Means subcommittee Tuesday.
