
Soviet Media Blast U.S. on Rights Issues

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The Soviet media fired a broadside at the United States on human rights issues today, with two newspapers and Tass, the official press agency, accusing Washington of ignoring its own violations.

“Problems of human rights are everywhere,” the Communist Party newspaper Pravda said in a commentary. “Do they really not exist in the United States?”

It repeated previous Soviet allegations that there are about 1,100 political prisoners in the United States “thrown behind bars on the basis of fabricated evidence.”


An article in the trade union newspaper Trud, signed by an American journalist named as Al Levin, accused American prison authorities of systematically trying to break the will of political prisoners.

“There is no doubt that methods of exerting psychological pressure aimed at breaking the will of prisoners are being mastered,” said the Trud article, a summary of which was also issued by the English-language service of Tass.

A Tass commentary by political observer Yuri Kornilov said the issue of “political prisoners” in the United States “cannot but arouse serious and growing concern”.
