
Prop. A No Solution

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Once again the voters of San Diego County are being asked to increase their taxes because their elected officials are not capable of doing the job they were elected to do, run the county government within budget.

We are being asked for the second time in 12 months to again raise the sales tax by an additional one-half percent. Maybe half a percent does not seem like much to the vested-interest people of San Diego, and the people they manage to put into public office. But to those of us in the low- to middle-income groups, the sales tax is the most regressive tax possible. It places the tax burden most heavily on the ones who have the least resources to pay it, you and I.

There is probably no doubt that we need additional jail space, but we have needed it for a long time, and these same elected officials have not provided funds for construction. Instead, they wait until the situation is desperate, then use the scare tactic of telling us that criminals are left on the streets because of lack of jail space.


Let’s tell our public officials to do the job we elected them to do, live within their budget like the rest of us, and vote NO on Proposition A.


