
Rosenberg and Cox in 40th District Race

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I am in complete agreement with your editorial (May 22) that endorsed Nathan Rosenberg for Congress in the 40th District. On the same day that I received in the mail the book he has written, I also received a flyer produced by the Christopher Cox campaign. Rosenberg’s book contained a candid and interesting summary of his achievements, strengths and vulnerabilities, as well as a comprehensive analysis of the issues facing our country and community.

Cox’s literature was the most disgraceful example of underhanded smear tactics I have ever seen used in a campaign, with no mention of his qualifications or his stand on the issues. I haven’t heard a word from David Baker yet, or any of the other candidates.

While I don’t agree with all of Rosenberg’s positions on the issues facing us, it is refreshing to see a local candidate with the breadth of experience, knowledge and leadership ability that he possesses.



Santa Ana
