
Candidate Backs Wiretap Bill

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As a Republican candidate in the 43rd Assembly District, I would like to correct a glaring error in Alan Citron’s article (Times, May 22). He stated that I opposed a bill that would allow police to electronically monitor calls made by suspected drug dealers. Mr. Citron also stated that this bill was sponsored by Assemblyman Terry Friedman (D-Tarzana). Mr. Citron is incorrect on both counts. Not only did Mr. Friedman not sponsor the bill but he actively opposed it. I have been a strong supporter of this piece of legislation, which was signed into law by Gov. Deukmejian on May 20. My position on this bill was correctly stated in (Times staff writer) Alan Miller’s article, which appeared a few days earlier.

The drug and crime issues form the backbone of my campaign. Needless to say, I was dismayed when I read my position being incorrectly stated. I feel that strong measures are needed to deal with drug dealers, many of whom are gang members. Giving law enforcement authorities the right to conduct judicially supervised wiretaps is but one tool to be used in the fight against this hideous plague. I found Assemblyman Friedman’s comment that “gang members don’t plot their evil over the telephone” to be particularly insulting.


Los Angeles
