
Down on Mort

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I find it ironic that a newspaper, such as The Times, that has always claimed to support equality for all people, would write such a nice article about some idiot like Mort Downey Jr. (“Hurricane ‘Mort’--the Bully of N.Y. Talk,” by Patrick Goldstein, May 29).

Gosh, what next, an article on such groups as the Klu Klux Klan, or maybe an Adolf Hitler support group!

Downey is on the same level as these types of people. Bigotry is bigotry, no matter if it’s aimed at a person’s race, religion, nationality or sex. And if there is any wimp on his shows, it’s Downey himself. Any rich male, who would dare have the gall to say that he didn’t believe in comparative worth, is indeed, a wimp.



Santa Monica
