
Kosher Slaughter

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I wonder if Jack Ray is aware that the kosher method of slaughtering is the most humane method available since the carotid artery is severed at the initial thrust of the knife rendering the animal completely senseless and anesthetized (Calendar Letters, May 29)?

While the subsequent bleeding appears horrendous, the animal is quite unaware of the goings on. Is this any less humane than crushing the skull of the animals by being clubbed to death?

To carry the thought further; is there a humane way of slaughtering animals? How about dropping a live lobster into a pot of boiling water or swallowing clams or oysters alive?


How about hunters leaving their prey to bleed to death while fully conscious or trappers leaving their prey struggling to free themselves and dying in the attempt?

Logically, if we should worry about the effect of any slaughtering method, we should all become confirmed vegetarians.


Seal Beach
