
Fallbrook Cityhood

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Fallbrook incorporation was the subject of a diatribe by Jack Wireman on your editorial page last Sunday (“Fallbrook Shouldn’t Fall for the Often Broken Promise of Cityhood”) It demands rebuttal:

The main thrust of the article, with clever wording, gives the reader the impression that Fallbrook will lose $10 million of road improvements if we incorporate, and that Fallbrook taxpayers will be stuck to replace it, plus extra millions in interest. This is utter nonsense!

At issue are funds from Proposition A, the extra 0.5% sales tax. Mr. Craig Scott of the Regional Transportation Commission (Sandag) confirms that, if Fallbrook is a city as of July 1, we will receive directly our full share of Prop. A funds, estimated at $11 million. Not one penny will be lost!


If we don’t incorporate, the county will get our share, to be spent wherever they wish in the unincorporated area. Tentative plans to spend $10 million, primarily on South Mission, are subject to annual review and change. We could very easily end up with less than our share!

Our local Planning Group recommended that first priority be given to final plans and right-of-way acquisition for the extension of Reche Road west to South Mission. The county ignored our recommendation. If we incorporate, our Town Council will set its own priorities, probably with the Reche extension at the head of the list. We won’t lose any Proposition A funds, and we’ll spend them where citizens of Fallbrook, not county bureaucrats, think best.

Home rule is what this election is all about, and the above is once more example of why Fallbrook voters are going to approve incorporation Tuesday!




Fallbrook Incorporation Coalition
