
Measure A Sparks Debate Over Growth and County’s Future

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I just received a letter from power broker Democrats who equate the values of the Democratic Party with opposing Measure A. My dander is up. The Republicans are divided on the issue addressed by Measure A, and now the party of my choice is claiming that Measure A kills the values of the Democratic Party. Who is kidding whom?

I originally publicly opposed Measure A but switched when I saw the corruption and deceit occurring within the political system, spawned principally by developers’ money and power. Yes, at this juncture, government needs its hands tied. Measure A will force the developers and politicos to rethink and replan this county at a much more reasonable pace and with greater innovation.

Without A, things will go on as usual. And Camelot will become a parking lot. And property power will prevail over principle. That’s a result only the developer wants. Measure A will give the power back to the people. Developers and politicians will then be held accountable.



El Toro
