
Measure A Sparks Debate Over Growth and County’s Future

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Two articles in the Sunday, May 29, edition of The Times (“Measure A Not the Best Road to Slow Growth,” and “Irvine Weekly Performs a Delicate Balancing Act”) were an interesting juxtaposition for me. The Times’ journalists detail problems which the Irvine World News encountered in managing to appear objective while being owned by the Irvine Co. The article was no doubt written to try to boost circulation for The Times, but upon reading both articles, I thought: “Who is The Times trying to kid?”

For several months I have been reading the news articles and editorials concerning the slow-growth initiative. I told my co-workers a few months ago that The Times was backing the opposition to the initiative. Then came the Sunday edition (May 29) and the editorial against the initiative.

It isn’t just The Times. My father-in-law, a conservative, reads the Wall Street Journal and claims that they always give both sides. I have read it and believe that they are incredible amateurs at trying to mask their opinions within news articles by “giving both sides” as compared with The Times.


It is distressing that in Orange County, there is not a single newspaper which does not belong to the developers.


Huntington Beach
