
Memorial Day Event Disrupted in Irvine

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Last Monday, Memorial Day, I started the day as I have for 20 years, displaying the flag in front of my house, followed by a moment of silent prayer. I lost my son in Vietnam in 1968 and Memorial Day has a special meaning for me.

Later in the day, I attended a Memorial Day ceremony at City Hall in Irvine organized by veterans of many wars. Their message was an especially moving one for me. Not only were they honoring those who had given their lives for this country, but they were collecting food to donate to orphaned children in that war-torn Central American country, Nicaragua. No one was going to ask the children which side they are on. This was food for innocent victims of war.

I cannot express the shock I felt on my arrival when a group of about 20 protesters began insulting the veterans and their supporters.


Some of us were spit on. Many of the protesters began repeating anti-Semitic slogans. Some yelled at me, “Go home old lady!” I honestly feared for my life. As a mother and as an American, I hope that in a Central America of the future, people will remember the bravery of the veterans whose labor of love brought them food when they were young. I also pray that those misguided protesters will someday come to their senses.


