
How Tom Bradley Runs Los Angeles

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In spite of the revelations of crass commercialism by ex-Bradley right-hands--(how The Times used to fascinate us with reports of the “inner circle” waiting up for the happy warrior, hopeful of a presidency, a vice presidency, a governorship in his craw, to move them ever higher on the rungs of power)--and the yawns in the mid-life yearnings of hoary pols for “exudations of passion,” the update on the life and times of Bradley was the best reading there’s been anywhere since the last one of these pieces.

An engrossing profile of a Catholic priest in the June 13 New Yorker has this priest saying, “There’s a fine line between full responsibility and burnout.” One of the most remarkable things about Bradley, whom I am proud to say I have known for a half century and he’s always been the same “regular Joe,” is that he’s the ultimate in responsibility, with never the first sign of burnout. The secret must be to do what you love and love what you do.

When you read about other mayors, you realize that Los Angeles is on to something. Hold tight, hold tight, hold tight!



