
Private Clubs and Women

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George Will, in his article, (“Well-Tailored Women of Privilege Hijack Civil-Rights Law,” Op-Ed Page, June 24) appears to be coming out as an advocate of the working classes. Lest we jubilate, however, let us see what he is really saying when he launches his attack on a system that he feels promotes class discrimination.

Will is upset because several women have won the right to enter New York’s formerly private men’s clubs. These women, he states, belong to a small privileged class and they would not be interested in mixing with people not of their same social ilk. That, of course, is only an assumption made by him and unsubstantiated by any evidence.

The real issue is that Will wants to protect the privacy rights of men. He would like men to continue to have the right to turn women away at the door since that, aside from wife-beating, is the only way men can still demonstrate their “superiority” over women.



Santa Ana
