
Local News in Brief : Countywide : Poll: Residents Believe Traffic Woes Worsening

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Orange County residents believe traffic congestion is getting worse and is their most difficult problem, according to a poll conducted for the Orange County Transit District.

The telephone poll of 620 residents last spring found that about three-quarters of the respondents believe that the traffic situation deteriorated in the past two years. Moreover, 54% said driving traffic-choked streets is the greatest problem they face as Orange County residents.

Conducted by NuStats Inc. of Los Angeles over a nine-day period in April and May, the OCTD survey has a 5% possible margin of error.


While the survey found OCTD bus riders have a slightly less negative view of traffic conditions, “the numbers show everyone is concerned with the county’s continuing traffic congestion, and most believe it will worsen,” James Reichert, OCTD’s general manager, said when the survey results were released.

The 1987 Orange County Annual Survey, conducted by Mark Baldassare & Associates, had similar findings. The results, released in December, showed that 57% of the respondents agreed with the statement that traffic in Orange County will only get worse since there are no solutions to today’s transportation problems.
