
Local News in Brief : Building Fines Proposed

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The Palos Verdes Estates City Council on Tuesday agreed that those who seek building permits after already constructing on private or public property should pay a stiff penalty.

The council authorized drafting of a measure requiring residents who build on public property without a permit to pay 10 times the standard permit fee, not to exceed $1,000. Residents who apply for an “after-the-fact permit” for building on private property will be charged three times the standard fee.

Permits to build on private property are more expensive than those for public property. Residents who build on public property are usually only constructing mailboxes or paving city property between the street and their property line for parking, said Gary Wynn, planning director.


Mayor James Kinney said the proposed ordinance “will make people think twice when they bootleg something. It’s going to be very expensive when they get caught.”

The new measure is expected to be introduced at the next council meeting July 26.
