
The Nation - News from July 14, 1988

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House Republicans, citing a possible conflict of interest, approved a resolution calling for a Democratic member of the House Ethics Committee investigating Speaker Jim Wright (D-Tex.) to step down. The resolution, adopted by voice vote during a closed-door GOP meeting, also calls for the appointment of an independent counsel to aid in the investigation of Wright. Without specifically naming him, the resolution urges Rep. Vic Fazio (D-Sacramento) to excuse himself voluntarily from the investigation. Fazio denied any conflict of interest and said he would not step down. The resolution cites “a recent incident in California” in which Wright participated in a Democratic fund-raiser for Impact 2000, a political action committee organized to help state legislature candidates. Fazio is chairman of Impact 2000. The committee is investigating whether Wright improperly used his influence and campaign funds to benefit himself and his business associates.
