
Atty. Gen. Edwin Meese Steps Down

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Well, The Times won’t have Meese to kick around anymore.

Not being able any longer to beat the dead horse of criminal accusations, The Times (“He Quits at Last,” editorial, July 6) cannot gracefully accept defeat on that issue but says “it is beside the point” and switches to the charge that he should never have been appointed in the first place.

Meese said he refused to resign earlier, despite the barrage of media and political criticism, because he refused to be “hounded out of office by false accusations or allegations. . . .” Now that he has been exonerated he can leave government service with a clear conscience and be free from the heavy burden of unwarranted personal attacks.

However, The Times doesn’t give up easily. It states that when the independent counsel’s report is finally unsealed, “Americans can judge for themselves whether Meese has been vindicated. We’re doubtful. . . .”



Newport Beach
