
You would think there are enough names...

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You would think there are enough names for activist groups that two political committees wouldn’t have to fight over the same name.

But not in Carson, where the “P” in politics could stand for passion. There, the dispute is over who has the rightful claim to “Concerned Citizens of Carson.”

The CCC most recently in the news is an organization of mobile home park owners that wants to limit the city’s mobile home rent control ordinance through a ballot initiative. The group just completed a 4-week, signature-gathering campaign that has been highlighted by allegations of voter harassment, beatings and a stun-gun attack.


The other CCC, a coalition of block organizations in north Carson, packed City Council chambers more than a year ago in a successful fight against a condominium development in their neighborhood. Members saw it as a potential breeding ground for crime. More recently, the group lent its name to the city’s anti-gang efforts.

April Gipson, organizer of the north Carson CCC, said she worries that some people may think her organization supports the measure to weaken mobile home rent control.

“People have been calling me. They are saying, ‘April, what are you into now?’ The Concerned Citizens of Carson is a name that was coined by me. . . . That wasn’t a name that anybody could just pick up and start using. They shouldn’t use a name that we already have.


“Down the road, this would backfire. Some of the mobile home people would say, ‘You are the people who threw us out of our homes.’ I don’t want any beef with the senior citizens.”

Ann Stewart Brown, spokeswoman for the mobile home park owners CCC, said she was unaware that Gipson’s group had used the name.

She added that state law requires her organization to change its name to meet ballot form requirements that indicate specifically what ballot measure it supports or opposes. The organization might change its name earlier, Brown said.


“I don’t know why she is upset,” Brown said, referring to Gipson. “It’s not that big a deal.”
