
Despite the recent sideways movement in most...

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Despite the recent sideways movement in most San Diego stocks, two local stocks managed new highs, according to Irving Katz, director of research for Thomas Green/San Diego Securities.

Advanced Marketing Services reached a new high of $17.25, and Mission West Properties hit a new high of $9.375.

There was a flurry of activity in some savings-and-loan stocks. Imperial Corp. of America was up $1.50 and Great American First Savings Bank $.75.


It was revealed that Great American holds 813,678 shares of the preferred stock of the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp., or Freddie Mac, at an average cost of $66.92 a share. At last week’s close of $138, the stock was worth more than $112 million, or $4.82 a share of Great American, Katz said.

This would represent a profit of $2.47 a share for Great American should the shares be sold. Great American, however, reiterated that it has no intention of selling these shares, Katz said.

First National Corp. gained $.25, to $9.75, upon the revelation that one of its major shareholders, Frank Goldberg, had purchased an 60,000 more to increase his holdings to 254,742, or 9.66% of the bank’s stock.


Stocks on the downside included Henley Group, down $1.125, and Price Co., down a like amount on apparent profit-taking. La Jolla Bancorp, which announced that it is now the county’s second-largest bank, dropped $.50 to $6.75.

Precision Aerotech dropped $.375, to $4.375, after announcing fourth-quarter earnings of $.06, against $.11 for the corresponding quarter of the previous year, and earnings for the year ended April 30 of $.20, against $.55 the previous year.

Intermark fell $1.125, to $12.625, as its Pier 1 subsidiary terminated discussions with prospective buyers and decided to remain independent. Each share of Intermark represents 1.52 shares of Pier 1, according to Katz.
