
Peace in Nicaragua

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Thank you for publishing the excellent column “Politics Have a Grip on U.S. Humanitarian Aid” by Rep. Mickey Leland (Op-Ed Page, July 11). It is about time the public was made aware of the appalling practice of the Reagan Administration of denying responsible relief organizations permission to deliver much needed food, medicine, clothing, tools and vehicles to the poverty-stricken people of Nicaragua.

The Reagan Administration obviously feels that if its U.S.-financed terrorists, the Contras, cannot overthrow the duly-elected government of Nicaragua, it will starve the Nicaraguans into submission.

Not only are we blocking shipments of humanitarian aid to Nicargua on the pretext that sanctions prevent such aid, The Times reported on June 24, that despite sanctions against South Africa, the Treasury Department approved the purchase of several million dollars worth of iron and steel from that immoral regime. In a callous disregard for morality, the Reagan Administration withholds humanitarian aid from Nicaragua, while patronizing South Africa.


I am ashamed of the policy of the U.S. against Nicaragua.


Los Angeles
