
Cutting the State Budget

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“Decimated . . . Scrooge . . . Grinch . . . dooming California to a Dark Age . . . miserly . . . downward into the black hole. . . .” All this over a lousy 1% cut in the state budget? (“It’s Depressing,” editorial, July 9). A budget that is still 7.3% larger than last year? And the smallest cut by Gov. George Deukmejian so far? What would you have said if he had made some serious cuts?

I know you long for the good old days when California was the top state in taxes. But we taxpayers have our own uses for our money. That 1% cut didn’t even begin to get rid of the fat in the state budget, much less touch the lean.

Please reserve the hysteria for when we make actual cuts in the state budget, not mere reductions in the rate of increase.



La Puente
