
The House

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Military Base Closings

The House voted 223 to 186 to toughen pending legislation (HR 4481) to expedite the closing of obsolete military bases. The vote adopted an amendment that minimizes congressional and bureaucratic obstacles to Pentagon plans to shut down surplus bases. It eliminated the possibility of closures being blocked by lengthy environmental and economic studies, and it enabled the Pentagon to begin shutdowns without having to wait for Congress to vote advance approval.

The bill was sent to conference with the Senate on a nonrecord vote. It empowers a Pentagon commission to come up with a list of proposed closings by the end of the year. The defense secretary would order elimination of all or none of the targeted bases. Congress could block closures only if both houses pass a resolution of disapproval and, if the resolution is vetoed, by mustering two-thirds majorities in each chamber to override the veto.

Members voting yes favored the tougher of two pending procedures for closing obsolete military bases.


How They Voted Yea Nay No vote Rep. Anderson (D) x Rep. Dixon (D) x Rep. Dymally (D) x Rep. Gallegly (R) x Rep. Levine (D) x Rep. Lungren (R) x

Plant Closings

By a vote of 286 to 136, the House passed and sent to the White House a bill (S 2527) requiring employers of 100 or more workers to give 60 days notice of plans to lay off at least 50 workers or close plants and places of business.

President Reagan has threatened to veto this legislative priority of organized labor.

Members voting yes favored the plant-closing bill.

How They Voted Yea Nay No vote Rep. Anderson (D) x Rep. Dixon (D) x Rep. Dymally (D) x Rep. Gallegly (R) x Rep. Levine (D) x Rep. Lungren (R) x


Ethanol Imports

By a vote of 183 to 237, the House rejected an attempt to restrict imports of ethanol fuel from Caribbean nations. Supporters of the GOP-drafted motion argued that European producers plan to ship ethanol through the Caribbean, thus avoiding U.S. duties and hurting U.S. ethanol and corn producers. Opponents said the shipments from the Caribbean would supply only a tiny portion of U.S. consumption and that ethanol is scarce in many parts of the nation.

The vote occurred as the House approved the conference report on sweeping legislation (HR 4848) to toughen America’s world trading stance while extending protection and benefits to workers and industries hurt by certain foreign competition. The massive trade bill was headed for likely approval in the Senate and President Reagan’s expected signature.

Members voting yes wanted to limit duty free ethanol imports from the Caribbean.

How They Voted Yea Nay No vote Rep. Anderson (D) x Rep. Dixon (D) x Rep. Dymally (D) x Rep. Gallegly (R) x Rep. Levine (D) x Rep. Lungren (R) x
