
Sunshine Canyon Landfill Must Go

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The dust from the Sunshine Canyon Landfill that made Councilman Hal Bernson think there was a fire nearby (July 1) is nothing new. The wind blows mightily and often in these canyons on the north side of the Valley, and I’m glad I’m not living in its path.

However, I do visit O’Melveny Park, a most attractive city park that, in its upper reaches, gives the visitor a view of magnificent mountains and undisturbed chaparral. “Undisturbed” may not be too accurate a word when the inaccessible hills and oaks are frequently festooned with those indestructible plastic shopping bags favored by most supermarkets. These, as well as the dust, blow over from the landfill, and they destroy the sense of wildness one seeks in escaping the noise and concrete of daily life in a big city.

I agree with Mr. Bernson: Sunshine Canyon must go. Money from Proposition 70--the bond issue for parks and wildlife--should be spent to buy land adjacent to O’Melveny to create a new Santa Clarita Woodlands Park rather than permit the expansion of this inappropriate landfill.



