
Humidity and Showers Leave County Hot and Wet

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Times Staff Writer

San Diego County had the second wettest July 21 on record Thursday.

Imperial Beach received 0.06 of an inch Thursday, and Palomar had 0.10 of inch. However, only a trace of rain fell at the National Weather Service’s official reporting station at Lindbergh Field as scattered showers were reported throughout the county.

In 1911, San Diego had a record rainfall of 0.02 of an inch, reported at the weather station then located at 5th and F streets in downtown San Diego.

Thursday’s rain came on a hot and unusually humid day as a weak low-pressure system moved moisture-laden air into San Diego from Mexico, according to National Weather Service forecaster Wilbur Shigehara.


Weekend showers from the system should be confined to the mountains.

Griping About Humidity

“Most of the complaints we’ve received were of humidity--not rain. It’s been very warm and humid--not a common weather pattern for July.”

Humidity was 70% throughout most of county Thursday, with coastal temperatures in the 80s. The high temperature at Lindbergh Field was 81. Other high temperatures were 91 in El Cajon, 83 in Chula Vista, 94 in Escondido and 74 in Oceanside.

The average temperature during July is 70, with average humidity of 65%, according to Shigehara.


High humidity is expected to last through Sunday as the the system rapidly moves out to sea.

Beaches will have patchy clouds through Saturday, with highs reaching 75 to 80 today, then dropping slightly Saturday and Sunday. Clouds are expected to disappear by Sunday afternoon. The ocean water temperature is about 70 degrees.
