
Democrats and ‘Jewish Patch’

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Hier longs for the good old days when the Democratic Party had a special place for the Jews. Now, he wails, Jews are left out.

Things have changed since Franklin D. Roosevelt’s time, and the changes are good, I would assert. Sure, there is skepticism about the coalition, the tenuous (as some fear) togetherness of such obviously disparate factions as those represented by Dukakis and Lloyd Bentsen. But, that’s just it: the seemingly improbable welding into a functional and cohesive whole should be cause for rejoicing, not despair. It shows the real strength of America in how far things have progressed. That we can accept our differences and relegate them to an actual Jackson quilt is a healthy sign.

Whether a Palestinian homeland becomes a reality or not, there is no turning back. The current unrest has a solid basis; there’s no denying that nor can any antiquated policy stop what’s happening or defy its ultimate expression for justice where it is so obviously needed.



Costa Mesa
