
The Days of Ron & Nancy

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Now is the time for all good L.A. social watchers to start interpreting what life will be like after the return of the Reagans.

If there is any doubt, Nov. 16 will clear it up. That’s when the Colleagues (the first Nancy’s favorite charity), Neiman-Marcus and Valentino put together their considerable style and put on what even those not involved see as a top fall happening.

The First Lady is the honorary chair--not such a major deal, since she’s lent her name to dozens of benefits over the past seven years. But this time, “I would hope she would be with us,” said Kitchen Cabineteer Marion Jorgensen. “She would really enjoy it.” Icing on the social cake, as there will be only 60 tables at the 20th Century Fox sound stage event--and at least 30 are already sold for this, the first-ever Valentino showing in Los Angeles.


Pleasant Panic Ensues

The rush to buy prompted a pleasant panic Tuesday afternoon, when Reagan buddies Giney Milner, Betty Wilson and Erlenne Sprague hosted a kickoff. N-M’s John Martens, Valentino’s Luciano Villarini (in from Rome) and Angela Istok (from N.Y.C.) were just “thrilled,” as around them at Milner’s back-yard pool side, models displayed a few Valentino wares.

Along with Sprague and First Best Friend Betsy Bloomingdale, newer Colleagues Patti Skouras and Felisa Vanoff will be co-chairing the event. (Remember that Skouras and Vanoff have become a potent social pair since they resurrected the Joffrey Ballet from social and perhaps financial limbo a few seasons back, promoting it with Patron nights and a spread of quite spectacular parties.)

Skouras, in a triangular Nina Ricci, said that the fund-raising purpose was not going to get lost in the party planning. She stressed that all the money raised by the Colleagues goes, as it has since 1950, to the Children’s Institute International, the Los Angeles facility with nationally recognized programs for combating child abuse.


“Where is Felisa?” Skouras asked--and was answered with “I am here, right behind Patti as usual.” (Vanoff and Milner were sporting Valentino suits--and Jorgensen said she just happened to have a new Valentino to wear to the benefit.)

“If Nov. 16 is anything like this, we are all home free,” Skouras announced to the six tables of guests that gathered at the Bistro Garden after the kickoff for a dinner hosted by her and her husband, Tommy, and Felisa and Nick Vanoff.

Producer Doug Cramer, Ames Cushing, Martin Manulis and Craig Johnson joined the crew, as did Michael and Arianna Stassinopoulos Huffington, recent purchasers of a Santa Barbara home “which we only get to use a few days a month,” Michael Huffington explained. Oil executive Huffington did add that he and his author-wife will be slowly moving to the West Coast.


Vanity Fair’s Caroline Graham and Billy Hitchcock table-hopped, then joined buddies on the other side of the glass barrier for dinner.

Even the mention of the upcoming benefit sold more tables, with Cramer announcing, “Put me down for one.”

“I can’t make a speech here,” Skouras said over the shouts of approval. “This is an unruly crowd.”

“Please don’t listen,” Vanoff announced to diners on the other side of the barrier.

And now you know why Nov. 16 will not only be socially significant, but a great time.

MORE KUDOS--Everyone knows that benefit tickets get sold not just on the basis of the charity, but frequently on who is getting honored. September’s Master Planner begins a new monthly feature, listing by name the honorees of various charity events--along with the name of the organization and the date. So you won’t forget to buy a ticket when your boss gets his or her plaque--or, as happened this past year too many times, multiple charities won’t be honoring the same names. Master Planner has already helped solve the problems of big events piling up on the same date.
